Workflow API

Author: Bryan Alsdorf
Created: 2004-08-27

The workflow API is used to provide custom functionality to Eventum. The basic idea is when an event happens (new issue, new note, blocked email, etc.) Eventum calls the workflow class specified for that project.

Getting Started

To write your own Workflow class create a file named "class.my_name.php" in /eventum/include/workflow/. In that file, create a class named "my_name_Workflow_Backend" that extends "Abstract_Workflow_Backend". Now you can add methods to that class to handle specific events. You can copy the method signatures from /eventum/include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php to get started.
An example workflow implementation is in /eventum/include/workflow/class.example_workflow.php.

Once you have your class created you must set your project to use it.

Your project should now be using your workflow class.

Individual methods

Please see /eventum/include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php for the individual methods you can override.

Future Direction

As Eventum is developed more methods will be added to the workflow class. If you need a new workflow method, or you need more arguments passed to an existing method please email the Eventum development list.