{include file="header.tpl.html"} {include file="navigation.tpl.html"}
{if $duplicate_result != ""}
{if $duplicate_result == -1} {t}Sorry, an error happened while trying to run your query.{/t} {elseif $duplicate_result == 1} {t}Thank you, the issue was marked as a duplicate successfully. Please choose from one of the options below:{/t} {t}Otherwise, you will be automatically redirected to the Issue Details Page in 5 seconds.{/t} {literal} {/literal} {/if}
{t}Mark Issue as Duplicate{/t} ({t}Issue ID:{/t} {$smarty.get.id})
{t}Duplicated Issue:{/t} * {include file="include/issue_field.tpl.html" field_name="duplicated_issue" form_name='duplicate_form' exclude_issue=$smarty.get.id error_message="You must enter the ID of an issue that does not have a duplicate status." exclude_duplicates=1}
* {t}Required fields{/t}
{include file="app_info.tpl.html"} {include file="footer.tpl.html"}