{textformat style="email"} {if $sender_name} {t escape=no}Dear{/t} {$recipient_name}, {/if} {t escape=no name=$app_title}This is an automated message sent from %1{/t}. {if $is_message_sender} {t escape=no}We received a message from you and for your convenience, we created an issue that will be used by our staff to handle your message.{/t} {else} {t escape=no}We recieved a message from {$sender_name} and created an issue from it. Since you were a recipient of the original message, we are sending you the issue details.{/t} {/if} {/textformat} {if $sender_can_access == 1} {t escape=no} To view more details of this issue, or to update it, please visit the following URL{/t}: {$app_base_url}view.php?id={$data.iss_id} {else} {t escape=no}To add more information to this issue, simply reply to this email.{/t} {/if} {t escape=no}Issue{/t} #: {$data.iss_id} {t escape=no}Summary{/t}: {$data.iss_summary} {t escape=no}Priority{/t}: {$data.pri_title} {t escape=no}Submitted{/t}: {$data.iss_created_date}