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Frequently Asked Questions

How to Create an Account

From the www.wildlifeauctions.co.za website click on the Register and follow the prompts.

See manual "Registration Process Page 4"

Live Webcast Registration Process Manual.pdf (livestockauctions.co.za)

How to Register for Online Auction

Login into your account, go to the auction that you want to participate in and click on the Register for Auction button.

See manual "Registration Process Page 16" 

Live Webcast Registration Process Manual.pdf (livestockauctions.co.za)

How will I know if I have Registered for an Auction

On auction day you will receive an email from the Administrator, before hand you can check under your Business Profile if a bidder number was assigned to your profile.

See manual "Registration Process Page 22" 

Live Webcast Registration Process Manual.pdf (livestockauctions.co.za)

I forgot my Password

Click on the "Forgot Password" function or contact the office for assistance.

See manual "General use of Website Page 2"

General Use of Website Manual.pdf (livestockauctions.co.za)

How do I view the Lots or an Auction

Go to the tab Auctions and Sales, the auction and the Auction Detail Page will open.  On this page you can see all the lots and when opening View Catalogue, the full details of each lot will be displayed.

See manual "General use of Website Page 26" 

General Use of Website Manual.pdf (livestockauctions.co.za)

I don't want to bid, but would like to watch the Auction

Login into your profile, from the Home Page click on the Bidding button of the specific auction.  Alternatively you can go to the Auction Detail Page and click on Live Auction.

See manual "Live Webcast Bidding Page 4" 

Live Webcast Auction_User Bidding Manual.pdf (livestockauctions.co.za)

How do I bid on a Live Webcast Auction

Make sure that you are logged in and registered for the auction, then go to the bidding screen to participate.

See manual "Live Webcast Bidding Page 9" 

Live Webcast Auction_User Bidding Manual.pdf (livestockauctions.co.za)

How do I see the lots or prices of a past Auction

Through the Auction and Sales tab route to the Closed Auctions, here you can view the lots and prices of each past auction.

See manual "General use of Website Page 27" 

General Use of Website Manual.pdf (livestockauctions.co.za)

How will I receive/pay for the lots I won

In your basket you will see all the lots that was assigned to your profile.  The office will forward the necessary invoice along with transport arrangements.

See manual "General use of Website Page 14" 

General Use of Website Manual.pdf (livestockauctions.co.za)

I placed a bid accidentally

When the bid is out of the bidding sequence, the Administrator will then the bid. If the bid is accidental you can use the Chat Box to communicate with the Administrator or contact the Administrator.

See manual "Live Webcast Bidding Page 8 and 14" 

Live Webcast Auction_User Bidding Manual.pdf (livestockauctions.co.za)

How to bid on a lot includes more than one Animal

There are three bidding principles:  per unit, per lot and per kilogram.  Per unit or per kg is always the bidding price multiplied by the quantity or total kilogram.  Per lot will be the bidding price as one price for the whole lot.

See manual "Live Webcast Bidding Page 10 and 21" 

Live Webcast Auction_User Bidding Manual.pdf (livestockauctions.co.za)

What do I do if my sound or picture becomes unclear or jittery

Press CTRL F5 for a hard reset 

Can I still follow the auction if the sound/video feed s

Yes, the bidding screen will continue although the sound and video is off. 

What time does the Auction start

On the auction detail page the starting time of the auction will display.

See manual "Live Webcast Bidding Page 3 and 5"  

Live Webcast Auction_User Bidding Manual.pdf (livestockauctions.co.za)

Is there commission involved in the Bidding Price

The auctioneer will always state if there is commission involved on a certain lot.

See manual "General use of Website, Section D, Page 21-25" 

General Use of Website Manual.pdf (livestockauctions.co.za)


What is Max Bidding

Max bidding is the pre-amount that you are willing to pay and allowing the system to bid on your behalf.

See manual "Live Webcast Bidding Page 22-28" 

Live Webcast Auction_User Bidding Manual.pdf (livestockauctions.co.za)

Your bidder number and why you need it

Your bidder number is assigned once the Administrator approves your registration for the auction.  Without a bidder number you won't be able to bid.

See manual "Registration Process Page 14"

Live Webcast Registration Process Manual.pdf (livestockauctions.co.za)

Invoice and available transport details

The office will forward the invoice upon completion of the auction. Along with the transport arrangements if you choose to use inhouse transport.  Details about the agents and logistical personnel is available on the Auction Information page.

See manual "Live Webcast Bidding Page 3-5" 

Live Webcast Auction_User Bidding Manual.pdf (livestockauctions.co.za)

What are default bidding increments

These are the increments set by the Auctioneer to ensure the flow of each lot and the auction.

See manual "Live Webcast Bidding Page 10 and 11" 

Live Webcast Auction_User Bidding Manual.pdf (livestockauctions.co.za)

After creating my profile/account I can't login

After three failed login attempts your account is locked. Please contact the office for assistance.

See manual "General use for Website Page 2"  

General Use of Website Manual.pdf (livestockauctions.co.za)

What is Max Bidding?

Max Bidding is an automated bidding process where the client is not physically involved in the bidding.

The client will add a value to a lot that he is prepared to pay.  As soon as the bidding on that lot start the system will bid automatically on the clients, behalf up to the allocated value.

If the bidding amount does not reach the allocated value, then the value paid by the client is the highest bid value and not his allocated value.

The increase amount per bid is linked to the interval as set by the Administrator.


Example 1:

Max bid by Client ABC is R10 000 for Lot 001

Bidding for Lot 001 starts with interval set at R1 000

Opening Bid R5 000

Client ABC    R6 000

Client BBB   R7 000

Client ABC   R8 000

No more bidding therefor Lot 001 is sold to Client ABC for R8 000 although his Max Bid is R10 000


Example 2:

Max bid by Client ABC is R10 000 for Lot 001

Bidding for Lot 001 starts with interval set at R1 000

Opening Bid R8 000

Client ABC    R9 000

Client BBB   R10 000

Client ABC   No bid

Although Client ABC has a Max Bid of R10 000, the system won't take the same value bid on a Lot.  Because of the sequence of bidding, the lot will be allotted to Client BBB.


Example 3:

Max bid by Client ABC is R10 000 for Lot 001

Bidding for Lot 001 starts with interval set at R1 000

Opening Bid R7 500

Client ABC    R8 500

Client BBB   R9 500

Client ABC   R10 500


Although Client ABC has a Max Bid of R10 000, the system will take the bid for reason that the interval value is R1 000 and there is still R500 between current highest bid and Max Bid.  One increment in between the highest value and max bid is allowed by the system.

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  • AWA Bi Monthly Game Auction
  • 28 September 2024 at 11H00
  • Boma and Live Webcast Auction
  • at Vaalwater Bomas
Date: 2024-09-28


  • AWA Bi Monthly Game Auction
  • 12 October 2024 at 11H00
  • Boma and Live Webcast Auction
  • at Vaalwater Bomas
Date: 2024-10-12


  • AWA Bi Monthly Game Auction
  • 26 October 2024 at 11H00
  • Boma and Live Webcast Auction
  • at Vaalwater Bomas
Date: 2024-10-26

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