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Auction Details
Auction Name Test Auction 1 February 2024
Date & Time of Auction 2024-02-01 15:00:00
Website www.wilflifeauctionstest.co.za
Seller and Auction Host Details
Responsibility Seller
Contact Name Johan du Toit
Cellphone Number 0824168888
Email Address johan.dutoit@awla.co.za
Responsibility Administrator
Contact Name Charlene Willemse
Cellphone Number 0794081675
Email Address charlene.willemse@awla.ca.za
Responsibility Administrator
Contact Name Michelle Slabbert
Cellphone Number 0670471662
Email Address michelle.slabbert@awla.co.za
Auctioneer Details
Responsibility Logistics
Contact Name Alexi Dreyer
Cellphone Number 0718966301
Email Address alexi.dreyer@awla.co.za
Responsibility TVScreen
Contact Name AWA TV Screen
Cellphone Number 0824168888
Email Address johan.dutoit@bplp.co.za
Responsibility Auctioneer
Contact Name AWA Wildlife Auction
Cellphone Number 0824168888
Email Address johan@engagedbt.co.za
Responsibility VendorManagement
Contact Name AWA Vendor Managemen
Cellphone Number 0824168888
Email Address johan.dutoit@dtpta.co.za
Auction Agent Details
Responsibility Agent
Contact Name Alexi Dreyer
Cellphone Number 0718966301
Email Address alexi.dreyer@awla.co.za
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